
Beyond loans

The world of financial products continuous to evolve, and at Axo Group, we are always at the forefront, offering lucrative opportunities for our valued partners. We recognise the significance of unsecured loans, and our partners have enjoyed substantial success with our loan products. Now, we're excited to introduce and enticing upsell that can add significant value for our customers.

Expense Insurance: Assurance during tough times

In an unpredictable world, the unexpected can turn lives upside down. From sudden illnesses and accidental injuries to involuntary unemployment, unforeseen circumstances can put immense financial pressure on individuals. 

The Expense Insurance is our answer to these challenges. It's an assurance that during tough times, our members have a financial safety net.

We are offering the insurance in

  • Norway
  • Sweden
  • Finland

uScore Protect: Online ID protection

uScore Protect, a collaboration with Defentry and Tryg, offers online ID protection.

Did you know that 1.2 million Norwegians were exposed to fraud on the internet last year? And that 150,000 Norwegians have been victims of identity theft in recent years? Fraud and identity theft on the internet are increasing problems that can have significant consequences for those affected, both financially and psychologically.

In collaboration with Defentry and Tryg, we are now launching a new product that protects you against just this, and which helps you if you should be so unfortunate as to be affected.

We are offering this insurance in

  • Norway
  • Sweden

Non-life insurance: Unlock exclusive savings

Insurance prices are constantly changing, so it's wise to check the price and coverage of insurances from time to time. Would you like to see how much you can save? Our partners can offer good insurance deal with the right coverage at a good price. 

The product is seamlessly integrated into our other product and processes and the model is leads based.

We are offering this in

  • Norway